My recent article presenting the eminent contributions of Francisco Gil-White and Eliezer Cherki concluded with an observation:
“…. Israel must have defensible borders, from the Jordan to the Sea, because the division of a small territory bringing irreconcilable enemies into close proximity is an invitation to perpetual conflict.”
In response, Bat Ye’or expressed the following:
“…Israel unfortunately allowed itself to be dragged into insoluble situations by false friends. It should have declared its borders final after 1967 and acted accordingly.”
(The essayist, historian and novelist Bat Ye’or conducted an in-depth, historical, civilizational, spiritual, political and social study on the condition of submission imposed on Jews and Christians in lands conquered by Islam, i.e., doctrinal Islamic Dhimmitude).
October 7, 2023, the day of the surprise attack of unimaginable cruelty by Hamas, against civilians, men, women and children, is also the date of a radical rupture which calls for clarity and firmness, to get out of a hellish cycle.
Willful and catastrophic ignorance:
The error on the part of many Israeli leaders was to radically misunderstand the specific reality of Islamic doctrine.
The advice of their European or American false “friends” was to “take risks for Peace,” a sentence still repeated by Hillary Clinton, secretary of State, and by President Obama in front of an audience of Israeli students.
And risks were indeed actually taken:
- with the Oslo Accords, and the return of Arafat from Tunisia to Judea and Samaria, to trigger a murderous intifada there and set up a terrorist nursery, heavily subsidized by the European Union, the UN, the USA, etc.,
- or with the disengagement from the Gaza Strip which gave free rein to terrorism, all against Israel, terrorism also subsidized by the European Union, the UN, the UNWRA, the USA, etc.
etc., etc.
Islamic doctrine:
As stated for example by Ibn Khaldoun, a 14th-century chronicler (in his work Al Muqadimah, published by La Pléiade) or also the current Arabic language expert
Eliezer Cherki, whom the Israeli government would do well to consult, the religious duty of the Muslim is to impose Islam, willingly or by force, on the entire territory of the planet, to transform the Dar el Harb (house of war) into Dar al Islam (house of Islam).
That is Jihad.
This duty is imperative, whenever Dar el Harb is in a state of vulnerability, weakness, with a flaw, abandonment, renunciation or “risk taking” precisely.
To bring about this type of “fault” favorable to Jihad, the Muslim can use deception, “Taqiya,” following the example of the Prophet himself, who concluded such a 10-year truce agreement with the Meccans, the treaty of Houdaibya, to immediately betray it, surprise, attack and conquer Mecca and its 360 idols.
It is precisely the very example of the Prophet that Arafat mentioned, in South Africa, to justify the signing of the Oslo Accords, and the handshake with Prime Minister Rabin, on the lawn of the White House, an implacable ruse implemented against Israel, for its ultimate conquest and its desired incorporation into Dar al Islam.
On the other hand, when Dar el Harb is strong, resolute, vigilant and impenetrable, there is a postponement, a delay in the duty of territorial conquest, and the Muslim can then lawfully pursue other occupations than permanent and infinite war, which is ultimately preferable for his own security, his prosperity, his family, his future … and for Peace in the world.
It is therefore ultimately a service to the Muslim, our human brother, to present him with a resolute barrier, clear and definitive limits, which deliver him from the brutal, exhausting and dangerous duty of permanent jihadist conquest.
Peace for Peace:
We must recognize the merit of the current Prime Minister, Netanyahu, hated by the “virtuous” left, always ready to take naive risks: he has always firmly and clearly opposed any retreat, any territorial compromise of the type: “ … territories for Peace…” which earned him criticism from the so-called Peace Camp.
An experienced diplomat, he only ever proposes “Peace for Peace’s sake” and that works when the European Union and the UN do not put too many obstacles in the way, and when the President of the United States is a friend of Israel, like Donald Trump.
Defensible borders:
To emerge from this conflict, which everyone agrees has lasted too long, Israel must declare defensible and definitive borders, from the Jordan to the Sea, including, of course, the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria.
Palestinian politician Awni Abd al-Hadi said in 1937: “There is no such country as ‘Palestine.’”
Israel must assert loud and clear that it is the only true “Palestine” because Judea conquered by the Romans was renamed Syria-Palaestina by Hadrian in 132, to punish the Jews after the Bar Kokhba revolt.
The resumption, nineteen centuries later, of the Roman fantasy of “Palestine”, of a “Palestinian people”, is only a diabolical imposture of the KGB, after the Arab rout of 1967, so as to transfer the conflict to terrorism and pseudo-diplomacy.
Because the Arabs, who arrived in the region in the 20th century, from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, etc. after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, to occupy well-paid jobs offered by the Zionists, are Arabs and not “Palestinians”.
Finally, it should also be noted that the “Palestinian” state that everyone is clamoring for, the famous “second state” (Two-State Solution, etc.), already exists, on 77% of the mandate of Palestine intended for a Jewish Home by the San Remo agreements of 1920: it is Jordan with its emir parachuted from the Arabian peninsula by the English, and which will have to be invited (the whole world will do so) to accept to receive 1,000,000 “Palestinian” Arabs to populate his desert state which could turn green like the Negev Desert.
In any case, it is out of the question to stick another Judenrein terrorist state in the heart of Israel.
Again the “final solution”…. :
The Arabs already have 22 countries and they don’t need a 23rd country encroaching on
Israel with its already very small territory: one of the smallest states in the world!
“Palestinism” is nothing but an anti-Semitic hoax, a weapon and a tool of mass destruction, for the desired (by too many of those who claim to be “virtuous” and boast of their so-called values! …) completion of the Hitler’s “final solution” against the Jewish people.
Israeli political and media personnel should absolutely refrain from mentioning so-called “Palestinian territories,” “Cisjordan,” or a fictitious “Palestinian people” and only mention Judea, Samaria and Arab populations.
When the European Union, the UN, the UNWRA, the USA, etc. do finance terrorism…
For too long, the European Union, the UN, the UNWRA, the USA, etc. have financed the so-called Palestinians so as to create a demographic explosion of terrorists against Israel.
The terrorist leaders, Arafat, Abou Mazen, Ismael Hanieh, Khaled Meshaal and others have all accumulated fortunes in the billions through generous subsidies to terrorism from the European Union, the UN, the UNWRA, the USA, etc.
Only President Donald Trump stopped this financing of terrorism during his tenure in the White House.
And now, when Israel is forced to defend itself against absolute evil, the European Union, the UN, the UNWRA, the USA, etc. do pretend to care about the fate of “innocent civilians”!
Already in 2004, the French Socialist Party refused, at the request of Chris Patten, English European Commissioner, its nomination for the European elections to the European deputy François Zimeray, for having requested an audit, by the Anti-Fraud Office, of European aid to Palestine, for school textbooks teaching hatred and murder of Jews.
Israel’s struggle:
Israel knows exactly what it wants: defensible borders and removal away of incurable terrorists, and nothing in the world will stop it from getting that!
The American academic Francisco Gil-White explains why the future of our universal civilization of Liberty and Justice is at stake in this fight of Israel for its security, its sustainability, against the dark forces of a cruelly murderous totalitarian fanaticism of submission.
Israel, at the origin of the concept of sacred Freedom and Dignity of each human being, all having strictly the same value in the eyes of God, is the major obstacle to the conquering Jihad which wants to subjugate humanity.
Because civilizational values are spiritual values.
A future of peace and prosperity:
If the European Union, the UN, the UNWRA, the USA, etc. are really concerned about the future, the security and the prosperity of the so-called Palestinians, their usual copious subsidies, in the billions, must now finance their emigration, with a nest egg, towards the 57 Islamic countries, and towards a future of peace and prosperity, far from Israel.
Because Israel will no longer tolerate terrorism at its gates, and nobody should come to cry if terrorism persists and forces Israel to use major means!
So, one last subsidy effort, finally in the right direction, please, ladies and gentlemen of the European Union, the UN, the USA, etc. and it will be the last!
Your protégés will finally take charge of their new life, far from terrorism, by integrating into real life, where you earn your living by the sweat of your brow.
They will be like the million Jews driven away from their native lands under Muslim occupation, and who has never received the slightest subsidy or the slightest compensation.
Terrorism must never again be a profitable racket!
There have been many such similar migrations for Peace in world history.
The time has finally come to act for Peace
© Mordekhaï Msika for Israel24
For more information:
Bat Ye’or:
Francisco Gil-White
Eliezer Cherki tribunejuive
All Mr. Mordekhaï-Msika points are absolutely right. The October 7 massacre has demonstrated, again, that the only way for Israel to continue to exist is to keep the jihadis and their helpers at arm’s length for as long as it will be necessary – because nothing, absolutely nothing else will work. Israel’s leftists, including those who chose to settle close to Gaza to prove that jewish/israeli-muslim friendship was possible were among the October 7 victims. Will the rest of the Israelis leftists learn the lesson? I doubt it.