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L’ombre de la Russie de Poutine est partout derrière ce nouvel épisode du. jihad.
C’est quoi tous ces pèlerins diplomatiques qui arrivent rn Israël de partout. Est-ce pour soutenir Israël ou pour entraver la riposte contre le Hamas ? Et pourquoi le Hezbollah et surtout l’Iran n’en profitent ils pas pour les dégommer ?
La question peut paraître saugrenue mais …
Perso je n’ai aucune confiance en Biden et dans l’Union Européenne. De beaux discours n’effacent pas le soutien financier aux terroristes !
Ce spectacle politiquement correct ne doit pas nous abuser sur les coulisses sordides de ces ennemis d’Israël déguisés en agneaux pour les circonstances !
The Art World’s Hypocrisy at Its Finest
MutualArt / Oct 19, 2023
The art world’s moral compass, or lack thereof, has been exposed following the radio silence of some, and the alignment with terrorists of others, regarding the atrocities committed in Israel
It’s been almost two weeks since one of the most horrific terror attacks of the past century devastated thousands of families across Israel. 1,300 innocents were murdered – with an incomprehensible cold-bloodedness for which the English lexicon lacks the appropriate words – over 3,000 were injured, and almost 200 people, including, children, the elderly, and women, brutally taken hostage. And the art world? Silence…or worse. Some have now rediscovered their voice, blaming Israel of indiscriminate violence, preferring to believe a cruel terrorist organization over their own democratic governments.
Most artists, art media, auction houses, galleries, museums, and other institutions seem to have had nothing to say about what happened in Israel on October 7. These are the same individuals and institutions whose websites and social media were colored in blue and yellow as Russia invaded Ukraine in early 2022, the same who pledged their support to Black Lives Matter in 2020, the same who at every chance jump at the opportunity to publicly display their moral high ground in support of minorities and victims of violence. Public statements, newsletters, donation pledges and whatnot, they usually rush to showcase their alleged empathy, hurt, and virtue. Not so over the past weeks. Business as usual. Frieze Week! Parties and gatherings, auction reports, smiling faces, and backdoor deals for the hottest new artworks.
Hyperallergic, always vociferous in its alleged “protection” of justice, have not only ignored the Hamas atrocities, but are now – mere days after Jews have been slaughtered in a manner comparable to the Holocaust – despicably accusing Israel of carrying out a Holocaust on the Palestinians instead. Have you no shame? The Art Newspaper cites an open letter, signed by some 200 artists, that bypasses the terrorist attack entirely and falsely quotes Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant’s depiction of Palestinians as “human animals.” This description was used referring to Hamas terrorists, which certainly have earned themselves that label after carrying out their barbaric acts on innocent civilians.
Infants, children, the elderly, men and women were murdered – burned alive, mutilated, beheaded. Girls were raped and abducted. Entire families, celebrating a Jewish holiday in the safety of their idyllic homes, were wiped out, others torn apart forever. A music festival for peace, where youths were joyfully dancing and celebrating life, was specifically targeted by Hamas terrorists, gunning down young civilians, taking hostage whoever survived the massacre. The terrorists jubilantly broadcasted their atrocities live on social media, sometimes on the accounts of their victims, and images and videos flooded the world, the worst of which still haven’t been publicized. Why has the art community remained so indifferent to this? Is that not something worthy of condemnation? Can a community that prides itself in the values of beauty, of love, of tolerance and peace, afford to look the other way when its high ideals are under attack?
These atrocious crimes are crimes against humanity. There is no room for relativism for such evil, no cause that can justify them, certainly not the cause of destroying Israel and killing Jews, as stated in Hamas’ Charter. If you refrain from taking a stand against “pure evil,” as US President Biden correctly referred to it, even in clear-cut cases such as this, your moral compass is null and void. That is not morality – that is the worst kind of virtue-signaling, the kind that turns a blind eye to murder. « The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything, » Albert Einstein once said.
It is a cruel awakening to see what has become of the art world. We know from personal conversations that many feel shocked and outraged at what happened in Israel last week. But it’s not enough to express your sympathies in private phone calls or emails, if you shy away from doing so publicly.
There have been some glimmers that cut through the darkness. The author of The Canvas newsletter was notably affected by the attack, and Artnet’s Art Detective column also asked why the art world remained so silent? Images of the kidnapped children have also been projected onto important buildings in the US and UK, including on the Tate and the Museum of Arts and Design in New York. However, these few loan brave voices have been swallowed by the silence.
There are still over 200 Israelis – children, the elderly, civilian men and women – held hostage in the hands of vile terrorists. It shouldn’t be too hard for those who believe in a better world to acknowledge this and call for their release…