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Stressant cette histoire de déplacement de Gazaouis : les pays arabes disent tous non, Trump dit oui. Quelle galère le job de président des USA !
Si Trump s’est tellement battu, trois fois, pour ce poste, ce ne doit pas être une si terrible galère pour lui.
Selon Stephen Green (PJmedia):
The intractable problem with the Palestinians is that neighboring Arab states can’t afford to let them in, and the Israelis don’t want to lose their souls running a permanent occupation, but time and time again, they’ve proven they can’t be trusted to rule themselves.
The little kingdom of Jordan, usually peaceful and decently run, let in thousands of Palestinian refugees after the 1948 war, and thousands more after the 1967 war. For his generosity, King Hussein had to put down the Black September attempt by Yassar Arafat’s PLO to depose him and take over the country.
Syria kept tighter control over its Palestinian refugees but still found them plenty troublesome. Hamas takes its name from the city of Hama, which Assad père turned to rubble in 1982 as his heavy-handed solution to Syria’s Palestinian problem.
Those gracious Muslim rules of hospitality only apply to the hosts, I suppose, because the Palestinians have never been well-behaved guests.
When Egypt was offered Gaza back (they’d ruled it from 1948-1967) as part of the 1979 Camp David Accords, Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat said, « What, you think we’re schmucks? »
So the problem now in Gaza is that the place needs to be rebuilt but A) Hamas can’t be trusted to do it and B) Israel doesn’t want to do it.
Et encore, il ne parle pas du Liban ! Ni du Koweit (expulsion des palestiniens pour soutien de Arafat à Saddam qui bombardait de Scuds Tel Aviv en 1991), etc.